The Programme “Greece-Bulgaria 2014 – 2020”

The Programme “Greece-Bulgaria 2014 - 2020”

The Cooperation Programme “Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020” was approved by the European Commission on 13/12/2016 by Decision C(2016)8708.

Greece and Bulgaria, two neighboring countries with a rich past, since the end of the 1990s have entered an era of closer co-operation, due to the INTERREG Programme “Greece-Bulgaria”.

The main idea behind “INTERREG” is that countries have issues which can be better solved if they work together with their neighbors than if each one remains confined within its borders. So for this reason, in our Programme we promote activities that bring our people closer. One needs to look no further than the land and the rivers we share and move on to roads and then to culture, food and traditions. In every case what happens on the one side of the border affects the other side as well. The need for joint actions is gradually becoming the normal than the exception.

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The Programme “Greece-Bulgaria 2014 - 2020”


One of the common challenges that are being encountered in the cross border area is the lack of an interregional strategy for water quality monitoring and improvement.

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The implementation of the project “Aqua-lity” involves the following corporate scheme:

• Lead Beneficiary – Municipality of Oreokastro

• Project Beneficiary – Dimitrovgrad Municipality

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Lead Beneficiary (PB1) Details

Phone :+302313304092
Email Website:
Address :76 Komninon, PC 57013, Oraiokastro



Project Beneficiary 2 (PB2) Details

Phone :00359 391 68203                                              Website:
Address :6400 Dimitrovgrad, 15 “G.S. Rakovski Blvd

The Project is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund and by national funds of the

countries participating in the Interreg V-A “Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020” Cooperation Programme.